on Tuesday, April 1st

vote for Equal Attention, Responsible Development, Absolute Transparency

Christine Bassi For McHenry Mayor

Before being elected to represent Ward 4 in 2023, I attended City Council meetings for 15 years. I bring 30+ years experience in corporate finance to the position. Since I’m recently retired, I have the available time necessary to devote to the job over the next four years.

To contact me and/or request a free campaign yard sign, scroll to the bottom of the webpage. Election season can feel never-ending so campaign yard signs will NOT be delivered until five days before early voting starts on February 20th.

A Platform That Prioritizes Residents

How does McHenry become a City where the residents are the priority?

Open green spaces over corporate developers, quiet residential neighborhoods over disruptive gravel pits, affordable home ownership over private equity landlords, equal attention and funding over centralized funding, thoughtful use of taxpayer money over wasteful spending, investing in the wellness of residents over the personal goals of elected officials, and absolute transparency over closed meetings are a good start and the focus of my platform.

On this website, you will find a comprehensive platform that will serve as a manual for what a new administration would look like. Some plans can have immediate implementation, some plans will require City Council approval, and some plans are more long-term.


“No” Votes On City Council

What an elected official opposes is of equal, if not more, importance to what an elected official supports. The role of City Council is not to rubber stamp the agenda of the Mayor, it is a separate branch of municipal government that exists to check and balance the power of the Mayor. “No” votes on City Council should not be viewed as having a negative attitude, but rather fulfilling the function of the office. Click “No Votes” button to view.

Campaign Expenses

As with my City Council campaigns, this campaign will be entirely self-funded with spending below the $5,000 threshold so I am not required to file with the Illinois Board of Elections. However, campaigns should have absolute transparency so I will be providing a running tally on all campaign expenditures. Click “Expenses” button to view itemized campaign expenses.

Voting Information

  • Where To Vote

    Election Day is Tuesday, April 1st

    Early voting begins Thursday, February 20th (early voting dates and locations can be found once available by clicking the “Vote” button below)

    Mail-in ballots will be mailed Thursday, February 20th & must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, April 1st

  • Register To Vote

    Information on voter registration can be found by clicking the “Register” button below

    Illinois allows same-day voter registration but only at your designated voting location

    Your designated voting location can be found once available by clicking the “Vote” button

Contact Me

What you won’t find on this website are links to make a donation or to purchase campaign merchandise because this campaign is self-funded on a shoestring budget and do you really need another t-shirt?  

BUT, I would gratefully accept volunteer canvassers OR hosts for a neighborhood meet-and-greet.

Interested in helping or have a question/comment? Contact me here.

Interested in a campaign yard sign?

Campaign yard signs don’t vote but they are helpful for exposure, especially for a self-funded campaign on a shoestring budget.

Use the contact form above if you would like a free campaign yard sign. Please include your McHenry address in the message portion, as well as if you have a specific location you would like your sign placed.

Campaign yard signs will NOT be delivered until five days before early voting starts on February 20th.